Swiss Company Formation – AG or Swiss GmbH -Overview Matrix

Comparison of Limited Liability Company (GmbH / Sàrl) with Joint Stock Corporation (AG/S.A.)

General Information
Type of CompanyAGGmbH
Limited LiabilityYesYes
Transferability of sharesYesYes but not as simple and easy
Governing BodiesGeneral meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors, AuditorsGeneral meeting of Partners, Management
Average timeframe to set up a new company1-2 weeks1-2 weeks
Availability of shelf companiesAre availableNot commonly available
Transfer of domicile possible between CantonsYes but taxation based on management residencyYes but taxation based on management residency
Corporate Legal Requirements
Minimum Share CapitalCHF 100’000CHF 20’000
Capital DenominationsCHF 0.01 MinCHF 100.00 Min
Minimum to be paid up20% of nominal Min CHF 50’000 overallNo
Bearer shares permittedYes if share capital fully paid upNo
Minimum number of shareholdersOneOne
Minimum number of directorsOneOne
Corporate directors permitted?NoNo
Local directors required?YesYes
Local AGM required?YesYes
Company secretary required?NoNo
Taxation Information
Corporate tax rate (Zug)Variable (approx. 8% to 15%)
Ordinary tax baseWorldwide income
Tax exemptions/tax privilegesTax Privileges for Holding Companies and Mixed Companies including participation exemptions
Withholding Tax Dividends35% refundable depending on DTT
Withholding Tax Interest0-15% depends on DTT
Withholding Tax – License fees and RoyaltiesNone
Double taxation treaties96
Value Added Tax rate (Domestic Only)7,7 %
Disclosure and Reporting Requirements
Disclosure of beneficial ownerNo – Only confidentially disclosed to bank for Money Laundering checks when opening bank accountNo – Only confidentially disclosed to bank for Money Laundering checks when opening bank account
Public Register of DirectorsYesYes
Public Register of ShareholdersNoYes
Annual returnYesYes
Submission of Annual Company AccountsNo, only tax related returns/disclosuresNo, only tax related returns/disclosures
Annual Audit required?Generally only for larger companies meeting any two of following criteria – CHF 40 Mio Turnover, Assets CHF 20 Mio + or 250 EmployeesGenerally only for larger companies meeting any two of following criteria – CHF 40 Mio Turnover, Assets CHF 20 Mio + or 250 Employees